Tandem betatron
Two betatrons are provided in tandem for alternately accelerating an electron beam to avoid the single flux swing limitation of conventional betatrons and to accelerate the electron beam to high energies. The electron beam is accelerated in a first betatron during a period of increasing magnetic flux. The eletron beam is extracted from the first betatron as a peak magnetic flux is reached and then injected into a second betatron at a time of minimum magnetic flux in the second betatron. The cycle may be repeated until the desired electron beam energy is obtained. In one embodiment, the second betatron is axially offset from the first betatron to provide for electron beam injection directly at the axial location of the beam orbit in the second betatron.
- Inventors:
- Santa Fe, NM
- Issue Date:
- Research Org.:
- Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)
- OSTI Identifier:
- 868232
- Patent Number(s):
- 5103186
- Assignee:
- United States Depaartment of Energy (Washington, DC)
- Patent Classifications (CPCs):
- DOE Contract Number:
- W-7405-ENG-36
- Resource Type:
- Patent
- Country of Publication:
- United States
- Language:
- English
- Subject:
- tandem; betatron; betatrons; provided; alternately; accelerating; electron; beam; avoid; single; flux; swing; limitation; conventional; accelerate; energies; accelerated; period; increasing; magnetic; eletron; extracted; peak; reached; injected; time; minimum; cycle; repeated; desired; energy; obtained; embodiment; axially; offset; provide; injection; directly; axial; location; orbit; beam injection; magnetic flux; electron beam; beam energy; axial location; minimum magnetic; increasing magnetic; flux swing; injection directly; /315/
Citation Formats
Keinigs, Rhonald K. Tandem betatron. United States: N. p., 1992.
Keinigs, Rhonald K. Tandem betatron. United States.
Keinigs, Rhonald K. Wed .
"Tandem betatron". United States. https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/868232.
title = {Tandem betatron},
author = {Keinigs, Rhonald K},
abstractNote = {Two betatrons are provided in tandem for alternately accelerating an electron beam to avoid the single flux swing limitation of conventional betatrons and to accelerate the electron beam to high energies. The electron beam is accelerated in a first betatron during a period of increasing magnetic flux. The eletron beam is extracted from the first betatron as a peak magnetic flux is reached and then injected into a second betatron at a time of minimum magnetic flux in the second betatron. The cycle may be repeated until the desired electron beam energy is obtained. In one embodiment, the second betatron is axially offset from the first betatron to provide for electron beam injection directly at the axial location of the beam orbit in the second betatron.},
doi = {},
journal = {},
number = ,
volume = ,
place = {United States},
year = {1992},
month = {1}