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Title: Electron beam cutting


A method for the cutting of holes 20 Angstroms in diameter, or lines 20 Angstroms wide in a material having positive ionic conduction by the use of a focused electron probe is described. The holes and lines are stable under ambient conditions. 2 figs.

Issue Date:
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Application Number:
PPN: US 6-467559
Univ. Patents, Inc., Westport, CT (United States)
DOE Contract Number:  
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Patent File Date: 17 Feb 1983
Country of Publication:
United States
36 MATERIALS SCIENCE; MATERIALS; ELECTRON BEAM MACHINING; CUTTING; IONIC CONDUCTIVITY; SIZE; ELECTRIC CONDUCTIVITY; ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES; MACHINING; PHYSICAL PROPERTIES; 360101* - Metals & Alloys- Preparation & Fabrication; 360201 - Ceramics, Cermets, & Refractories- Preparation & Fabrication; 360601 - Other Materials- Preparation & Manufacture

Citation Formats

Mochel, M E, and Humphreys, C J. Electron beam cutting. United States: N. p., 1985. Web.
Mochel, M E, & Humphreys, C J. Electron beam cutting. United States.
Mochel, M E, and Humphreys, C J. Tue . "Electron beam cutting". United States.
title = {Electron beam cutting},
author = {Mochel, M E and Humphreys, C J},
abstractNote = {A method for the cutting of holes 20 Angstroms in diameter, or lines 20 Angstroms wide in a material having positive ionic conduction by the use of a focused electron probe is described. The holes and lines are stable under ambient conditions. 2 figs.},
doi = {},
journal = {},
number = ,
volume = ,
place = {United States},
year = {1985},
month = {4}

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