Portable mass spectrometer with one or more mechanically adjustable electrostatic sectors and a mechanically adjustable magnetic sector all mounted in a vacuum chamber
A portable mass spectrometer is described having one or more electrostatic focusing sectors and a magnetic focusing sector, all of which are positioned inside a vacuum chamber, and all of which may be adjusted via adjustment means accessible from outside the vacuum chamber. Mounting of the magnetic sector entirely within the vacuum chamber permits smaller magnets to be used, thus permitting reductions in both weight and bulk. 13 figs.
- Inventors:
- Issue Date:
- OSTI Identifier:
- 7067050
- Patent Number(s):
- 5153433
- Application Number:
- PPN: US 7-757418
- Assignee:
- Dept. of Energy, Washington, DC (United States)
- DOE Contract Number:
- W-7405-ENG-48
- Resource Type:
- Patent
- Resource Relation:
- Patent File Date: 10 Sep 1991
- Country of Publication:
- United States
- Language:
- English
- Subject:
Citation Formats
Andresen, B D, Eckels, J D, Kimmons, J F, Martin, W H, Myers, D W, and Keville, R F. Portable mass spectrometer with one or more mechanically adjustable electrostatic sectors and a mechanically adjustable magnetic sector all mounted in a vacuum chamber. United States: N. p., 1992.
Andresen, B D, Eckels, J D, Kimmons, J F, Martin, W H, Myers, D W, & Keville, R F. Portable mass spectrometer with one or more mechanically adjustable electrostatic sectors and a mechanically adjustable magnetic sector all mounted in a vacuum chamber. United States.
Andresen, B D, Eckels, J D, Kimmons, J F, Martin, W H, Myers, D W, and Keville, R F. Tue .
"Portable mass spectrometer with one or more mechanically adjustable electrostatic sectors and a mechanically adjustable magnetic sector all mounted in a vacuum chamber". United States.
title = {Portable mass spectrometer with one or more mechanically adjustable electrostatic sectors and a mechanically adjustable magnetic sector all mounted in a vacuum chamber},
author = {Andresen, B D and Eckels, J D and Kimmons, J F and Martin, W H and Myers, D W and Keville, R F},
abstractNote = {A portable mass spectrometer is described having one or more electrostatic focusing sectors and a magnetic focusing sector, all of which are positioned inside a vacuum chamber, and all of which may be adjusted via adjustment means accessible from outside the vacuum chamber. Mounting of the magnetic sector entirely within the vacuum chamber permits smaller magnets to be used, thus permitting reductions in both weight and bulk. 13 figs.},
doi = {},
journal = {},
number = ,
volume = ,
place = {United States},
year = {1992},
month = {10}