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Title: Dye laser amplifier including an improved window configuration for its dye beam


A dye laser amplifier in which a continuously replenished supply of dye is excited with a first light beam in order to amplify the intensity of a second different light beam passing therethrough is disclosed herein. This amplifier includes a cell though which a continuous stream of the dye is caused to pass, and means for directing the first beam into the cell while the second beam is directed into and through the same cell. There is also disclosed herein a specific improvement to this amplifier which resides in the use of a pair of particularly configured windows through which the second beam passes along fixed paths as the second beam enters and exits the dye cell. Each of these windows has a relatively thick main section which is substantially larger in dimensions transverse to its beam path than the cross section of the second beam itself, whereby to add structural integrity to the overall window. At the same time, the latter includes a second section which is disposed entirely within the confines of the main section and through which the second beam is intended to pass in its entirety. This second section is made substantially thinner than the mainmore » section in order to reduce optical distortion as the second beam passes therethrough. 4 figs.

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Application Number:
PPN: US 6-911194
Dept. of Energy, Washington, DC (United States)
DOE Contract Number:  
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Patent File Date: 22 Sep 1986
Country of Publication:
United States

Citation Formats

O'Neil, R W, and Davin, J M. Dye laser amplifier including an improved window configuration for its dye beam. United States: N. p., 1992. Web.
O'Neil, R W, & Davin, J M. Dye laser amplifier including an improved window configuration for its dye beam. United States.
O'Neil, R W, and Davin, J M. Tue . "Dye laser amplifier including an improved window configuration for its dye beam". United States.
title = {Dye laser amplifier including an improved window configuration for its dye beam},
author = {O'Neil, R W and Davin, J M},
abstractNote = {A dye laser amplifier in which a continuously replenished supply of dye is excited with a first light beam in order to amplify the intensity of a second different light beam passing therethrough is disclosed herein. This amplifier includes a cell though which a continuous stream of the dye is caused to pass, and means for directing the first beam into the cell while the second beam is directed into and through the same cell. There is also disclosed herein a specific improvement to this amplifier which resides in the use of a pair of particularly configured windows through which the second beam passes along fixed paths as the second beam enters and exits the dye cell. Each of these windows has a relatively thick main section which is substantially larger in dimensions transverse to its beam path than the cross section of the second beam itself, whereby to add structural integrity to the overall window. At the same time, the latter includes a second section which is disposed entirely within the confines of the main section and through which the second beam is intended to pass in its entirety. This second section is made substantially thinner than the main section in order to reduce optical distortion as the second beam passes therethrough. 4 figs.},
doi = {},
journal = {},
number = ,
volume = ,
place = {United States},
year = {1992},
month = {12}

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