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Title: Dual rotating shaft seal apparatus


The report is directed to apparatus suitable for transferring torque and rotary motion through a wall in a manner which is essentially gas impermeable. The apparatus can be used for pressurizing, agitating, and mixing fluids and features two ferrofluidic, i.e., ferrometic seals. Each seal is disposed on one of two supported shafts and each shaft is operably connected at one end to a gear mechanism and at its other end to an adjustable coupling means which is to be connected to a rotatable shaft extending through a wall through which torque and rotary motion are to be transferred.

Issue Date:
OSTI Identifier:
Application Number:
ON: DE84011101
Dept. of Energy
DOE Contract Number:  
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Other Information: Portions are illegible in microfiche products
Country of Publication:
United States
42 ENGINEERING; SHAFTS; SEALS; ROTATION; WALLS; MACHINE PARTS; MOTION; 420200* - Engineering- Facilities, Equipment, & Techniques

Citation Formats

Griggs, J E, and Newman, H J. Dual rotating shaft seal apparatus. United States: N. p., 1983. Web.
Griggs, J E, & Newman, H J. Dual rotating shaft seal apparatus. United States.
Griggs, J E, and Newman, H J. Thu . "Dual rotating shaft seal apparatus". United States.
title = {Dual rotating shaft seal apparatus},
author = {Griggs, J E and Newman, H J},
abstractNote = {The report is directed to apparatus suitable for transferring torque and rotary motion through a wall in a manner which is essentially gas impermeable. The apparatus can be used for pressurizing, agitating, and mixing fluids and features two ferrofluidic, i.e., ferrometic seals. Each seal is disposed on one of two supported shafts and each shaft is operably connected at one end to a gear mechanism and at its other end to an adjustable coupling means which is to be connected to a rotatable shaft extending through a wall through which torque and rotary motion are to be transferred.},
doi = {},
journal = {},
number = ,
volume = ,
place = {United States},
year = {1983},
month = {6}

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