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Title: Encapsulation of nanoclusters in dried gel materials via an inverse micelle/sol gel synthesis


A dried gel material sterically entrapping nanoclusters of a catalytically active material and a process to make the material via an inverse micelle/sol-gel synthesis are disclosed. A surfactant is mixed with an apolar solvent to form an inverse micelle solution. A salt of a catalytically active material, such as gold chloride, is added along with a silica gel precursor to the solution to form a mixture. To the mixture are then added a reducing agent for the purpose of reducing the gold in the gold chloride to atomic gold to form the nanoclusters and a condensing agent to form the gel which sterically entraps the nanoclusters. The nanoclusters are normally in the average size range of from 5--10 nm in diameter with a monodisperse size distribution. 1 fig.

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Issue Date:
Research Org.:
Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), Albuquerque, NM, and Livermore, CA (United States)
Sponsoring Org.:
USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)
OSTI Identifier:
Patent Number(s):
Application Number:
PAN: 8-664,210
Sandia Corp., Albuquerque, NM (United States)
DOE Contract Number:  
Resource Type:
Resource Relation:
Other Information: PBD: 29 Sep 1998
Country of Publication:
United States

Citation Formats

Martino, A, Yamanaka, S A, Kawola, J S, Showalter, S K, and Loy, D A. Encapsulation of nanoclusters in dried gel materials via an inverse micelle/sol gel synthesis. United States: N. p., 1998. Web.
Martino, A, Yamanaka, S A, Kawola, J S, Showalter, S K, & Loy, D A. Encapsulation of nanoclusters in dried gel materials via an inverse micelle/sol gel synthesis. United States.
Martino, A, Yamanaka, S A, Kawola, J S, Showalter, S K, and Loy, D A. Tue . "Encapsulation of nanoclusters in dried gel materials via an inverse micelle/sol gel synthesis". United States.
title = {Encapsulation of nanoclusters in dried gel materials via an inverse micelle/sol gel synthesis},
author = {Martino, A and Yamanaka, S A and Kawola, J S and Showalter, S K and Loy, D A},
abstractNote = {A dried gel material sterically entrapping nanoclusters of a catalytically active material and a process to make the material via an inverse micelle/sol-gel synthesis are disclosed. A surfactant is mixed with an apolar solvent to form an inverse micelle solution. A salt of a catalytically active material, such as gold chloride, is added along with a silica gel precursor to the solution to form a mixture. To the mixture are then added a reducing agent for the purpose of reducing the gold in the gold chloride to atomic gold to form the nanoclusters and a condensing agent to form the gel which sterically entraps the nanoclusters. The nanoclusters are normally in the average size range of from 5--10 nm in diameter with a monodisperse size distribution. 1 fig.},
doi = {},
journal = {},
number = ,
volume = ,
place = {United States},
year = {1998},
month = {9}

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