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Title: Soft-commutated direct current motor


A method and circuit is disclosed for soft-commutation of a direct current (DC) motor. An attenuation circuit is connected through auxiliary brushes A, A[prime], B and B[prime] to the commutator (16) to drain circuit from successive armature coils (15) before the main brushes (27, 28) disconnects from each of the coils (15). This prevents the spark generation that normally occurs in conventional DC motors. The attenuation circuit may also be connected before energization of the coil (15) for a soft turning on operation. 13 figs.

Issue Date:
Sponsoring Org.:
USDOE; USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)
OSTI Identifier:
Patent Number(s):
Application Number:
PPN: US 9-100628
Lockheed Martin Energy Research, Oak Ridge, TN (United States)
DOE Contract Number:  
Resource Type:
Resource Relation:
Patent File Date: 19 Jun 1998
Country of Publication:
United States
32 ENERGY CONSERVATION, CONSUMPTION, AND UTILIZATION; ATTENUATION; DAMPING; ELECTRIC MOTORS; ELECTRICAL TRANSIENTS; SWITCHES; ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT; ENGINES; EQUIPMENT; MOTORS; TRANSIENTS; VOLTAGE DROP; 320303* - Energy Conservation, Consumption, & Utilization- Industrial & Agricultural Processes- Equipment & Processes; 320106 - Energy Conservation, Consumption, & Utilization- Building Equipment- (1987-)

Citation Formats

Hsu, J S. Soft-commutated direct current motor. United States: N. p., 1999. Web.
Hsu, J S. Soft-commutated direct current motor. United States.
Hsu, J S. Tue . "Soft-commutated direct current motor". United States.
title = {Soft-commutated direct current motor},
author = {Hsu, J S},
abstractNote = {A method and circuit is disclosed for soft-commutation of a direct current (DC) motor. An attenuation circuit is connected through auxiliary brushes A, A[prime], B and B[prime] to the commutator (16) to drain circuit from successive armature coils (15) before the main brushes (27, 28) disconnects from each of the coils (15). This prevents the spark generation that normally occurs in conventional DC motors. The attenuation circuit may also be connected before energization of the coil (15) for a soft turning on operation. 13 figs.},
doi = {},
journal = {},
number = ,
volume = ,
place = {United States},
year = {1999},
month = {7}

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