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Title: Supercapacitors based on carbon foams


A high energy density capacitor incorporating a variety of carbon foam electrodes is described. The foams, derived from the pyrolysis of resorcinol-formaldehyde and related polymers, are high density (0.1 g/cc-1.0 g/cc) electrically conductive and have high surface areas (400 m[sup 2]/g-1000 m[sup 2]/g). Capacitances on the order of several tens of farad per gram of electrode are achieved. 9 figures.

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OSTI Identifier:
Patent Number(s):
Application Number:
PPN: US 7-822438
PTO; EDB-94-056195
DOE Contract Number:  
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Patent File Date: 17 Jan 1992
Country of Publication:
United States
42 ENGINEERING; 36 MATERIALS SCIENCE; CAPACITORS; DESIGN; DIELECTRIC MATERIALS; FABRICATION; PHYSICAL PROPERTIES; ELECTRIC CONDUCTIVITY; ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT; ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES; EQUIPMENT; MATERIALS; 426000* - Engineering- Components, Electron Devices & Circuits- (1990-); 360601 - Other Materials- Preparation & Manufacture; 360606 - Other Materials- Physical Properties- (1992-)

Citation Formats

Kaschmitter, J L, Mayer, S T, and Pekala, R W. Supercapacitors based on carbon foams. United States: N. p., 1993. Web.
Kaschmitter, J L, Mayer, S T, & Pekala, R W. Supercapacitors based on carbon foams. United States.
Kaschmitter, J L, Mayer, S T, and Pekala, R W. Tue . "Supercapacitors based on carbon foams". United States.
title = {Supercapacitors based on carbon foams},
author = {Kaschmitter, J L and Mayer, S T and Pekala, R W},
abstractNote = {A high energy density capacitor incorporating a variety of carbon foam electrodes is described. The foams, derived from the pyrolysis of resorcinol-formaldehyde and related polymers, are high density (0.1 g/cc-1.0 g/cc) electrically conductive and have high surface areas (400 m[sup 2]/g-1000 m[sup 2]/g). Capacitances on the order of several tens of farad per gram of electrode are achieved. 9 figures.},
doi = {},
journal = {},
number = ,
volume = ,
place = {United States},
year = {1993},
month = {11}

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