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Title: First wall for polarized fusion reactors


A first-wall or first-wall coating for use in a fusion reactor having polarized fuel may be formed of a low-Z non-metallic material having slow spin relaxation, i.e., a depolarization rate greater than 1 sec/sup -1/. Materials having these properties include hydrogenated and deuterated amorphous semiconductors. A method for preventing the rapid depolarization of a polarized plasma in a fusion device may comprise the step of providing a first-wall or first-wall coating formed of a low-Z, non-metallic material having a depolarization rate greater than 1 sec/sup -1/.

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Issue Date:
Research Org.:
Princeton Univ., NJ (United States)
OSTI Identifier:
Application Number:
ON: DE85017784
Dept. of Energy
DOE Contract Number:  
Resource Type:
Country of Publication:
United States
70 PLASMA PHYSICS AND FUSION TECHNOLOGY; FIRST WALL; COATINGS; THERMONUCLEAR FUELS; POLARIZATION; SPIN ORIENTATION; FUELS; ORIENTATION; THERMONUCLEAR REACTOR WALLS; 700201* - Fusion Power Plant Technology- Blanket Engineering; 700205 - Fusion Power Plant Technology- Fuel, Heating, & Injection Systems

Citation Formats

Greenside, H S, Budny, R V, and Post, Jr, D E. First wall for polarized fusion reactors. United States: N. p., 1985. Web.
Greenside, H S, Budny, R V, & Post, Jr, D E. First wall for polarized fusion reactors. United States.
Greenside, H S, Budny, R V, and Post, Jr, D E. Tue . "First wall for polarized fusion reactors". United States.
title = {First wall for polarized fusion reactors},
author = {Greenside, H S and Budny, R V and Post, Jr, D E},
abstractNote = {A first-wall or first-wall coating for use in a fusion reactor having polarized fuel may be formed of a low-Z non-metallic material having slow spin relaxation, i.e., a depolarization rate greater than 1 sec/sup -1/. Materials having these properties include hydrogenated and deuterated amorphous semiconductors. A method for preventing the rapid depolarization of a polarized plasma in a fusion device may comprise the step of providing a first-wall or first-wall coating formed of a low-Z, non-metallic material having a depolarization rate greater than 1 sec/sup -1/.},
doi = {},
journal = {},
number = ,
volume = ,
place = {United States},
year = {1985},
month = {1}

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