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Title: Phosphate glasses for radioactive, hazardous and mixed waste immobilization


Lead-free phosphate glass compositions are provided which can be used to immobilize low level and/or high level radioactive wastes in monolithic waste forms. The glass composition may also be used without waste contained therein. Lead-free phosphate glass compositions prepared at about 900 C include mixtures from about 1 mole % to about 6 mole % iron (III) oxide, from about 1 mole % to about 6 mole % aluminum oxide, from about 15 mole % to about 20 mole % sodium oxide or potassium oxide, and from about 30 mole % to about 60 mole % phosphate. The invention also provides phosphate, lead-free glass ceramic glass compositions which are prepared from about 400 C to about 450 C and which includes from about 3 mole % to about 6 mole % sodium oxide, from about 20 mole % to about 50 mole % tin oxide, from about 30 mole % to about 70 mole % phosphate, from about 3 mole % to about 6 mole % aluminum oxide, from about 3 mole % to about 8 mole % silicon oxide, from about 0.5 mole % to about 2 mole % iron (III) oxide and from about 3 mole % tomore » about 6 mole % potassium oxide. Method of making lead-free phosphate glasses are also provided. 8 figs.

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Issue Date:
Research Org.:
Associated Universities Inc
Sponsoring Org.:
USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)
OSTI Identifier:
Patent Number(s):
Application Number:
TRN: 99:004580
Brookhaven Science Associates, Upton, NY (United States)
DOE Contract Number:  
Resource Type:
Resource Relation:
Other Information: PBD: 9 Mar 1999
Country of Publication:
United States

Citation Formats

Cao, H, Adams, J W, and Kalb, P D. Phosphate glasses for radioactive, hazardous and mixed waste immobilization. United States: N. p., 1999. Web.
Cao, H, Adams, J W, & Kalb, P D. Phosphate glasses for radioactive, hazardous and mixed waste immobilization. United States.
Cao, H, Adams, J W, and Kalb, P D. Tue . "Phosphate glasses for radioactive, hazardous and mixed waste immobilization". United States.
title = {Phosphate glasses for radioactive, hazardous and mixed waste immobilization},
author = {Cao, H and Adams, J W and Kalb, P D},
abstractNote = {Lead-free phosphate glass compositions are provided which can be used to immobilize low level and/or high level radioactive wastes in monolithic waste forms. The glass composition may also be used without waste contained therein. Lead-free phosphate glass compositions prepared at about 900 C include mixtures from about 1 mole % to about 6 mole % iron (III) oxide, from about 1 mole % to about 6 mole % aluminum oxide, from about 15 mole % to about 20 mole % sodium oxide or potassium oxide, and from about 30 mole % to about 60 mole % phosphate. The invention also provides phosphate, lead-free glass ceramic glass compositions which are prepared from about 400 C to about 450 C and which includes from about 3 mole % to about 6 mole % sodium oxide, from about 20 mole % to about 50 mole % tin oxide, from about 30 mole % to about 70 mole % phosphate, from about 3 mole % to about 6 mole % aluminum oxide, from about 3 mole % to about 8 mole % silicon oxide, from about 0.5 mole % to about 2 mole % iron (III) oxide and from about 3 mole % to about 6 mole % potassium oxide. Method of making lead-free phosphate glasses are also provided. 8 figs.},
doi = {},
journal = {},
number = ,
volume = ,
place = {United States},
year = {1999},
month = {3}

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