Impedance matched superconducting nanowire photodetector for single- and multi-photon detection
Conventional readout of a superconducting nanowire single-photon detector (SNSPD) sets an upper bound on the output voltage to be the product of the bias current and the load impedance, IB×Zload, where Zload is limited to 50Ω in standard RF electronics. This limit is broken/exceeded by interfacing the 50Ω load and the SNSPD using an integrated superconducting transmission line taper. The taper is a transformer that effectively loads the SNSPD with high impedance without latching. The taper increases the amplitude of the detector output while preserving the fast rising edge. Using a taper with a starting width of 500 nm, a 3.6× higher pulse amplitude, 3.7× faster slew rate, and 25.1 ps smaller timing jitter was observed. The taper also makes the detector's output voltage sensitive to the number of photon-induced hotspots and enables photon number resolution.
- Inventors:
- Issue Date:
- Research Org.:
- Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA (United States); California Institute of Technology (CalTech), Pasadena, CA (United States)
- Sponsoring Org.:
- USDOE; National Science Foundation (NSF); US Army Research Office (ARO); National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
- OSTI Identifier:
- 1986879
- Patent Number(s):
- 11522115
- Application Number:
- 16/808,904
- Assignee:
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, MA); California Institute of Technology (Pasadena, CA)
- DOE Contract Number:
- 80NM0018D004; ECCS1509486; W911NF-16-2-0192
- Resource Type:
- Patent
- Resource Relation:
- Patent File Date: 03/04/2020
- Country of Publication:
- United States
- Language:
- English
Citation Formats
Zhu, Di, Colangelo, Marco, Korzh, Boris, Shaw, Matthew, and Berggren, Karl K. Impedance matched superconducting nanowire photodetector for single- and multi-photon detection. United States: N. p., 2022.
Zhu, Di, Colangelo, Marco, Korzh, Boris, Shaw, Matthew, & Berggren, Karl K. Impedance matched superconducting nanowire photodetector for single- and multi-photon detection. United States.
Zhu, Di, Colangelo, Marco, Korzh, Boris, Shaw, Matthew, and Berggren, Karl K. Tue .
"Impedance matched superconducting nanowire photodetector for single- and multi-photon detection". United States.
title = {Impedance matched superconducting nanowire photodetector for single- and multi-photon detection},
author = {Zhu, Di and Colangelo, Marco and Korzh, Boris and Shaw, Matthew and Berggren, Karl K.},
abstractNote = {Conventional readout of a superconducting nanowire single-photon detector (SNSPD) sets an upper bound on the output voltage to be the product of the bias current and the load impedance, IB×Zload, where Zload is limited to 50Ω in standard RF electronics. This limit is broken/exceeded by interfacing the 50Ω load and the SNSPD using an integrated superconducting transmission line taper. The taper is a transformer that effectively loads the SNSPD with high impedance without latching. The taper increases the amplitude of the detector output while preserving the fast rising edge. Using a taper with a starting width of 500 nm, a 3.6× higher pulse amplitude, 3.7× faster slew rate, and 25.1 ps smaller timing jitter was observed. The taper also makes the detector's output voltage sensitive to the number of photon-induced hotspots and enables photon number resolution.},
doi = {},
journal = {},
number = ,
volume = ,
place = {United States},
year = {2022},
month = {12}
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