Proppant compositions and methods of use
Proppant compositions for use in hydraulic fracturing and methods of using same are disclosed herein. The proppant compositions include a plurality of proppant particulates and at least one particulate of the plurality of proppant particulates containing at least one tracer, wherein the at least one tracer separates from the at least one particulate located inside a fracture of a subterranean formation after a period of time.
- Inventors:
- Issue Date:
- Research Org.:
- Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States)
- Sponsoring Org.:
- USDOE National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA)
- OSTI Identifier:
- 1824047
- Patent Number(s):
- 11028318
- Application Number:
- 16/133,844
- Assignee:
- National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (Albuquerque, NM); CARBO Ceramics Inc. (Houston, TX); UNM Rainforest Innovations (Albuquerque, NM)
- Patent Classifications (CPCs):
- DOE Contract Number:
- AC04-94AL85000; NA0003525
- Resource Type:
- Patent
- Resource Relation:
- Patent File Date: 09/18/2018
- Country of Publication:
- United States
- Language:
- English
Citation Formats
Cannan, Chad, Palisch, Terrence, Kemp, Richard A., Boyle, Timothy J., Hernandez-Sanchez, Bernadette A., and Miller, James E. Proppant compositions and methods of use. United States: N. p., 2021.
Cannan, Chad, Palisch, Terrence, Kemp, Richard A., Boyle, Timothy J., Hernandez-Sanchez, Bernadette A., & Miller, James E. Proppant compositions and methods of use. United States.
Cannan, Chad, Palisch, Terrence, Kemp, Richard A., Boyle, Timothy J., Hernandez-Sanchez, Bernadette A., and Miller, James E. Tue .
"Proppant compositions and methods of use". United States.
title = {Proppant compositions and methods of use},
author = {Cannan, Chad and Palisch, Terrence and Kemp, Richard A. and Boyle, Timothy J. and Hernandez-Sanchez, Bernadette A. and Miller, James E.},
abstractNote = {Proppant compositions for use in hydraulic fracturing and methods of using same are disclosed herein. The proppant compositions include a plurality of proppant particulates and at least one particulate of the plurality of proppant particulates containing at least one tracer, wherein the at least one tracer separates from the at least one particulate located inside a fracture of a subterranean formation after a period of time.},
doi = {},
journal = {},
number = ,
volume = ,
place = {United States},
year = {2021},
month = {6}
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