Abbreviated epitaxial growth mode (AGM) method for reducing cost and improving quality of LEDs and lasers
The use of an abbreviated GaN growth mode on nano-patterned AGOG sapphire substrates, which utilizes a process of using 15 nm low temperature GaN buffer and bypassing etch-back and recovery processes during epitaxy, enables the growth of high-quality GaN template on nano-patterned AGOG sapphire. The GaN template grown on nano-patterned AGOG sapphire by employing abbreviated growth mode has two orders of magnitude lower threading dislocation density than that of conventional GaN template grown on planar sapphire. The use of abbreviated growth mode also leads to significant reduction in cost of the epitaxy. The growths and characteristics of InGaN quantum wells (QWs) light emitting diodes (LEDs) on both templates were compared. The InGaN QWs LEDs grown on the nano-patterned AGOG sapphire demonstrated at least a 24% enhancement of output power enhancement over that of LEDs grown on conventional GaN templates.
- Inventors:
- Issue Date:
- Research Org.:
- Lehigh University (Bethlehem, PA)
- Sponsoring Org.:
- OSTI Identifier:
- 1096022
- Patent Number(s):
- 8541252
- Application Number:
- 12/972,418
- Assignee:
- Lehigh University (Bethlehem, PA)
- Patent Classifications (CPCs):
- DOE Contract Number:
- FC26-08NT01581
- Resource Type:
- Patent
- Country of Publication:
- United States
- Language:
- English
- Subject:
Citation Formats
Tansu, Nelson, Chan, Helen M, Vinci, Richard P, Ee, Yik-Khoon, and Biser, Jeffrey. Abbreviated epitaxial growth mode (AGM) method for reducing cost and improving quality of LEDs and lasers. United States: N. p., 2013.
Tansu, Nelson, Chan, Helen M, Vinci, Richard P, Ee, Yik-Khoon, & Biser, Jeffrey. Abbreviated epitaxial growth mode (AGM) method for reducing cost and improving quality of LEDs and lasers. United States.
Tansu, Nelson, Chan, Helen M, Vinci, Richard P, Ee, Yik-Khoon, and Biser, Jeffrey. Tue .
"Abbreviated epitaxial growth mode (AGM) method for reducing cost and improving quality of LEDs and lasers". United States.
title = {Abbreviated epitaxial growth mode (AGM) method for reducing cost and improving quality of LEDs and lasers},
author = {Tansu, Nelson and Chan, Helen M and Vinci, Richard P and Ee, Yik-Khoon and Biser, Jeffrey},
abstractNote = {The use of an abbreviated GaN growth mode on nano-patterned AGOG sapphire substrates, which utilizes a process of using 15 nm low temperature GaN buffer and bypassing etch-back and recovery processes during epitaxy, enables the growth of high-quality GaN template on nano-patterned AGOG sapphire. The GaN template grown on nano-patterned AGOG sapphire by employing abbreviated growth mode has two orders of magnitude lower threading dislocation density than that of conventional GaN template grown on planar sapphire. The use of abbreviated growth mode also leads to significant reduction in cost of the epitaxy. The growths and characteristics of InGaN quantum wells (QWs) light emitting diodes (LEDs) on both templates were compared. The InGaN QWs LEDs grown on the nano-patterned AGOG sapphire demonstrated at least a 24% enhancement of output power enhancement over that of LEDs grown on conventional GaN templates.},
doi = {},
journal = {},
number = ,
volume = ,
place = {United States},
year = {2013},
month = {9}
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