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Title: COMBLE-ISLAS water isotopes in precipitation (COMBLEISLASISO)


During the measurement period, precipitation was sampled on daily to sub-daily basis with a sampling kit consiting of a clear plastic box (60x40x40 cm) mounted to a ground structure. Daily sampling lasted from 22 Feb to 24 Mar 2020. At a fixed time of day (10 UTC), samples were collected and the sampling box cleaned for the next sample. Additionally, during intense observations periods (IOPs) announced by ISLAS, ARMS scientists increased sampling frequency to sub-daily sampling. During the campaign period, 2 IOPs were conducted, with in total 12 samples taken. IOP1 lasted from 27 Feb 10 to 02 Mar 2020, and IOP2 lasted from 12 Mar to 14 Mar 2020. Solid precipitation in the box was then melted, transferred to an 8 ml glass vial, sealed and shipped to FARLAB (University of Bergen, Norway) for stable water isotope analysis. Measured stable isotope composition of precipitation samples will be related to conditions at other sampling locations, and at the evaporation site to inform about conservation of water isotope quantities. In the period from 22 Feb to 24 Mar, 23 daily samples were collected at 10 UTC for stable water isotope analysis. During the entire sampling period, a high variability of precipitation phase wasmore » encountered. Most samples were recovered in the form of graupel/snow (12 samples), as rain (7 samples), and the remaining samples fell as graupel, snow, rain or frozen rain. Precipitation amounts varied between <1 mm (26 Feb) and 140 mm (25 Feb) within the sampling box. Furthermore, higher-resolution sampling was conducted during 2 intense observation periods (IOPs). During IOP1, lasting from 27 Feb 10 UTC to 02 Mar 10 UTC, 7 samples were collected, all of them as solid phase precipitation. IOP2 lasted from 12 Mar 10 UTC to 14 Mar 09 UTC, and 5 samples (all as graupel/snow) were collected. Samples were processed according to FARLAB standard measurement procedures. In short, samples were transferred to 1.5 ml glass vials with rubber/PTFE septa (part #548-0907, VWR, USA). An autosampler (A0325, Picarro Inc) transferred ca. 2µl per injection into a high-precision vapourizer (A0211, Picarro Inc, USA) heated to 110°C. After blending with dry N2 (< 5 ppm H2O) the gas mixture was directed into the measurement cavity of a Cavity-Ring Down Spectrometer (L2140-i, Picarro Inc) for about 7 min with a typical water concentration of 20 000 ppm. Memory effects were reduced by two times measuring a vapour mixture at a mixing ratio of 50 000 ppm, obtained from 2 injections of 2 µl for 5 min at the beginning of each new sample vial. Thereafter, another 6 injections of 2 µl per sample were measured individually as described above, and averages of the last 5 injections were used for further processing. Three standards were measured at the beginning and end of each batch, including a drift standard DI2 (δD: -50.72±0.73 permil, δ18O: -7.63±0.10 permil), and for calibration the laboratory standards GLW (δD: -307.79±0.75 permil, δ18O: -40.02±0.07 permil) and EVAP2 (δD: 9.52±0.65 permil, δ18O: 1.81±0.13 permil). A detailed calibration report is included with the final uploaded data set.« less

Publication Date:
DOE Contract Number:  
Research Org.:
Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States). Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Archive; Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States). Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Data Center
Sponsoring Org.:
USDOE Office of Science (SC), Biological and Environmental Research (BER)
54 Environmental Sciences
autosampler (A0325, Picarro Inc), high-precision vapourizer (A0211, Picarro Inc), Cavity-Ring Down Spectrometer (L2140-i, Picarro Inc),precipitation_isotopes, ARM, DOE.
OSTI Identifier:

Citation Formats

Sodemann, Harald, and Dekhtyareva, Alena. COMBLE-ISLAS water isotopes in precipitation (COMBLEISLASISO). United States: N. p., 2020. Web. doi:10.5439/1818457.
Sodemann, Harald, & Dekhtyareva, Alena. COMBLE-ISLAS water isotopes in precipitation (COMBLEISLASISO). United States. doi:
Sodemann, Harald, and Dekhtyareva, Alena. 2020. "COMBLE-ISLAS water isotopes in precipitation (COMBLEISLASISO)". United States. doi: Pub date:Sat Feb 22 00:00:00 EST 2020
title = {COMBLE-ISLAS water isotopes in precipitation (COMBLEISLASISO)},
author = {Sodemann, Harald and Dekhtyareva, Alena},
abstractNote = {During the measurement period, precipitation was sampled on daily to sub-daily basis with a sampling kit consiting of a clear plastic box (60x40x40 cm) mounted to a ground structure. Daily sampling lasted from 22 Feb to 24 Mar 2020. At a fixed time of day (10 UTC), samples were collected and the sampling box cleaned for the next sample. Additionally, during intense observations periods (IOPs) announced by ISLAS, ARMS scientists increased sampling frequency to sub-daily sampling. During the campaign period, 2 IOPs were conducted, with in total 12 samples taken. IOP1 lasted from 27 Feb 10 to 02 Mar 2020, and IOP2 lasted from 12 Mar to 14 Mar 2020. Solid precipitation in the box was then melted, transferred to an 8 ml glass vial, sealed and shipped to FARLAB (University of Bergen, Norway) for stable water isotope analysis. Measured stable isotope composition of precipitation samples will be related to conditions at other sampling locations, and at the evaporation site to inform about conservation of water isotope quantities. In the period from 22 Feb to 24 Mar, 23 daily samples were collected at 10 UTC for stable water isotope analysis. During the entire sampling period, a high variability of precipitation phase was encountered. Most samples were recovered in the form of graupel/snow (12 samples), as rain (7 samples), and the remaining samples fell as graupel, snow, rain or frozen rain. Precipitation amounts varied between <1 mm (26 Feb) and 140 mm (25 Feb) within the sampling box. Furthermore, higher-resolution sampling was conducted during 2 intense observation periods (IOPs). During IOP1, lasting from 27 Feb 10 UTC to 02 Mar 10 UTC, 7 samples were collected, all of them as solid phase precipitation. IOP2 lasted from 12 Mar 10 UTC to 14 Mar 09 UTC, and 5 samples (all as graupel/snow) were collected. Samples were processed according to FARLAB standard measurement procedures. In short, samples were transferred to 1.5 ml glass vials with rubber/PTFE septa (part #548-0907, VWR, USA). An autosampler (A0325, Picarro Inc) transferred ca. 2µl per injection into a high-precision vapourizer (A0211, Picarro Inc, USA) heated to 110°C. After blending with dry N2 (< 5 ppm H2O) the gas mixture was directed into the measurement cavity of a Cavity-Ring Down Spectrometer (L2140-i, Picarro Inc) for about 7 min with a typical water concentration of 20 000 ppm. Memory effects were reduced by two times measuring a vapour mixture at a mixing ratio of 50 000 ppm, obtained from 2 injections of 2 µl for 5 min at the beginning of each new sample vial. Thereafter, another 6 injections of 2 µl per sample were measured individually as described above, and averages of the last 5 injections were used for further processing. Three standards were measured at the beginning and end of each batch, including a drift standard DI2 (δD: -50.72±0.73 permil, δ18O: -7.63±0.10 permil), and for calibration the laboratory standards GLW (δD: -307.79±0.75 permil, δ18O: -40.02±0.07 permil) and EVAP2 (δD: 9.52±0.65 permil, δ18O: 1.81±0.13 permil). A detailed calibration report is included with the final uploaded data set.},
doi = {10.5439/1818457},
journal = {},
number = ,
volume = ,
place = {United States},
year = {2020},
month = {2}