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Title: The Environmental Measurements Laboratory's Stratospheric Radionuclide (RANDAB) and Trace Gas (TRACDAB) Databases


RANDAB represents the worlds largest collection of stratospheric and upper tropospheric radionuclide data. The database contains results of measurements made from 1957 to 1983 during the ASHCAN, STARDUST, AIRSTREAM, and High Altitude Sampling Program (HASP) projects. More than 20,000 filters were collected during this period and analyzed for approximately 40 different radionuclides. All of the available data characterizing each filter are included in RANDAB. RANDAB offers gas samples characterizing the tritium, radon and 14CO2 concentration in stratospheric air. Only a limited amount of data is available for radon because of analytical and sampling problems. The tritium data were provided graciously by Dr. Allen Mason of Los Alamos Laboratory and Dr. H. G. Oslund of the Tritium Laboratory, University of Miami. The second database, TRACDAB, contains more than 1000 stratospheric trace gas measurements for the period 1974 to 1983. These samples were collected during Project AIRSTREAM. During the years 1974 to 1976, the samples were analyzed at EML. Subsequently, Washington State University (1976-1979) and the Oregon Graduate Institute for Science & Technology (formerly the Oregon Graduate Center 1980-1983) were under contract to EML to analyze AIRSTREAM gas samples. During the period 1974-1983, 980 gas samples were analyzed for one or moremore » of the following gases CCl3F, CCl2F2, CCl4, CH3CCl3, SF6, N20, CO2, CH4, and carbonyl sulfide (COS). To learn more about the naming of halocarbons (CFCs, HFCs, HCFCs, and halons), go to access to the data files, click this link to the CDIAC data transition website:« less

  1. Environmental Measurements Laboratory
Publication Date:
Other Number(s):
doi:10.3334/CDIAC/ATG.DB1019; cdiac:doi 10.3334/CDIAC/atg.db1019
Research Org.:
Environmental System Science Data Infrastructure for a Virtual Ecosystem (ESS-DIVE) (United States)
Sponsoring Org.:
U.S. DOE > Office of Science (SC) > Biological and Environmental Research (BER) (SC-23)
14CO2 Concentration in Stratospheric Air; Radon Concentration in Stratospheric Air; Rtratospheric Radionuclide Measurements; Trace Gas Measurements; Tritium Concentration in Stratospheric Air; DB1019; Pu239; # of inds.; 240; altitudeA (km); ag110; aircraft #; alt_code; altitude; altitude (km); altitude code; Ba140; Be7; beg lat1; beg lat2; beg long1; beg long2; beg. lat1(Degree); beg. lat2 (Minute); beg. long1 (Degree); beg. long2 (Minute); beg. long3; beg.lat3; beg_lat1; beg_lat2; beg_long1; beg_long2; beg_time; Bi210; C-13 conc.; C-13 conc. code; C-14 excess; C-14 excess Code; CO2 conc.; CO2 conc. code; Cd109; Cd113; Ce141; Ce144; Co57; Co58; Co60; collection date; corr. spec. act.; corr. spec. act. Code; count day; count month; count year; count; Cs137; date; end lAt2; end lat1; end lat1(Degree); end lat2 (Minute); end lat3; end long1; end long1 (degree); end long2; end long2 (kinute); end long3; end_lat1; end_lat2; end_long1; end_long2; end_time; err.; error; error code; flight; Fe55; Fe59; flight; fraction; I131; iD Code; iD code; iD_code; IND(1); IND(10); IND(2); IND(3); IND(4); IND(5); IND(6); IND(7); IND(8); IND(9); ias; lat_1; lat_2; long_1; long_2; lab; lab spec. act.; latitude1; latitude2; met. lay.; Mn54; Mo99; Na22; O-18 conc.; O-18 conc. code; P32; P33; PO210/PB210c; PO210/PB210n; PO210c; PO210n; press (mb); Pb210; Pm147; Po210; Pu(alpha); Pu238; Pu239; Pu240; Pu241; Pu242; remarks; Rh102; Rn222 (Bq); Rn222 (Bq)Std. Dev.; Rn222 Code; Rn222 Conc. (Bq/SCM); Rn222(Bq/SCM) Code; Ru106; sample; sample date; sample id; sample number; Sb124; Sb125; split; Sr89; Sr90; standard dev. of Rn222 conc.; temp (C); tas; tat; Ti204; totalBeta; trap #; type; unit; vol. code; volume; volume (scm); W181; W181correct; W185; Y88; Y91; Zr95; age of Pb210; age of Pb210 code; error (BeQ/kscm); potential temp.(C)HTO conc(BeQ/kscm)error (BeQ/kscm)HT conc (BeQ/kscm); ref_mon; ref_yr; sample day; sample month; sample year; sample_id; volume
OSTI Identifier:

Citation Formats

Leifer, R., and Chan, N. The Environmental Measurements Laboratory's Stratospheric Radionuclide (RANDAB) and Trace Gas (TRACDAB) Databases. United States: N. p., 1997. Web. doi:10.3334/CDIAC/ATG.DB1019.
Leifer, R., & Chan, N. The Environmental Measurements Laboratory's Stratospheric Radionuclide (RANDAB) and Trace Gas (TRACDAB) Databases. United States. doi:
Leifer, R., and Chan, N. 1997. "The Environmental Measurements Laboratory's Stratospheric Radionuclide (RANDAB) and Trace Gas (TRACDAB) Databases". United States. doi: Pub date:Wed Jan 01 00:00:00 EST 1997
title = {The Environmental Measurements Laboratory's Stratospheric Radionuclide (RANDAB) and Trace Gas (TRACDAB) Databases},
author = {Leifer, R. and Chan, N.},
abstractNote = {RANDAB represents the worlds largest collection of stratospheric and upper tropospheric radionuclide data. The database contains results of measurements made from 1957 to 1983 during the ASHCAN, STARDUST, AIRSTREAM, and High Altitude Sampling Program (HASP) projects. More than 20,000 filters were collected during this period and analyzed for approximately 40 different radionuclides. All of the available data characterizing each filter are included in RANDAB. RANDAB offers gas samples characterizing the tritium, radon and 14CO2 concentration in stratospheric air. Only a limited amount of data is available for radon because of analytical and sampling problems. The tritium data were provided graciously by Dr. Allen Mason of Los Alamos Laboratory and Dr. H. G. Oslund of the Tritium Laboratory, University of Miami. The second database, TRACDAB, contains more than 1000 stratospheric trace gas measurements for the period 1974 to 1983. These samples were collected during Project AIRSTREAM. During the years 1974 to 1976, the samples were analyzed at EML. Subsequently, Washington State University (1976-1979) and the Oregon Graduate Institute for Science & Technology (formerly the Oregon Graduate Center 1980-1983) were under contract to EML to analyze AIRSTREAM gas samples. During the period 1974-1983, 980 gas samples were analyzed for one or more of the following gases CCl3F, CCl2F2, CCl4, CH3CCl3, SF6, N20, CO2, CH4, and carbonyl sulfide (COS). To learn more about the naming of halocarbons (CFCs, HFCs, HCFCs, and halons), go to access to the data files, click this link to the CDIAC data transition website:},
doi = {10.3334/CDIAC/ATG.DB1019},
journal = {},
number = ,
volume = ,
place = {United States},
year = {1997},
month = {1}