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Office of Scientific and Technical Information

Title: The Effects of Nuclear Weapons. Third edition

Technical Report ·
DOI:· OSTI ID:6852629

Since the last edition of ''The Effects of Nuclear Weapons'' in 1962 much new information has become available concerning nuclear weapon effects. This has come in part from the series of atmospheric tests, including several at very high altitudes, conducted in the Pacific Ocean area in 1962. In addition, laboratory studies, theoretical calculations, and computer simulations have provided a better understanding of the various effects. A new chapter has been added on the electromagnetic pulse. The chapter titles are as follows: general principles of nuclear explosions; descriptions of nuclear explosions; air blast phenomena in air and surface bursts; air blast loading; structural damage from air blast; shock effects of surface and subsurface bursts; thermal radiation and its effects; initial nuclear radiation; residual nuclear radiation and fallout; radio and radar effects; the electromagnetic pulse and its effects; and biological effects. (LTN)

Research Organization:
Department of Defense, Washington, D.C. (USA); Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. (USA)
Report Number(s):
TID-28061; TRN: 78-014841
Country of Publication:
United States