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Title: Technology status of Thermionic Fuel Elements for space nuclear power

Conference · · Proc., Intersoc. Energy Convers. Eng. Conf.; (United States)
OSTI ID:5496195

Over a half-million thermionic test hours were accumulated in the earlier thermionic fuel element (TFE) development program. When the program was terminated in early 1973, TFEs had operated 12,500 h with projected three-year lifetimes, and individual laboratory converters operated more than five years with stable performance. Primary life-limiting factors were thermionic emitter dimensional increases due to interactions with the fuel and electrical insulator structural damage from fast neutrons. Multiple options for extending TFE lifetimes to seven years or longer are available.

Research Organization:
GA Technologies Inc., San Diego, California
Report Number(s):
CONF-840804-; TRN: 85-015364
Journal Information:
Proc., Intersoc. Energy Convers. Eng. Conf.; (United States), Vol. 4; Conference: Intersociety energy conversion engineering conference, San Francisco, CA, USA, 19 Aug 1984
Country of Publication:
United States