Novel Proppant Logging Technique for Infill Drilling of Unconventional Shale Wells
Summary During the development of an unconventional play, wells are drilled and completed in batches, and depending on the development plans, current and expected energy market trends, as well as other developmental considerations, new wells are drilled and hydraulically fractured later near existing producing laterals. This creates challenges in terms of optimizing resource recovery and reducing interwell communication. A novel approach is proposed that utilizes systematic composite sampling and analysis of drilling mud returns to look for and quantitatively identify sand particles. The workflow involves cleaning, drying, and segregation of samples into sizes of interest to us (size distribution of pumped proppant in offset parent wells). These samples are imaged at a very high resolution and analyzed for grains using characteristic optical imaging properties to classify proppant sand particles using computer vision algorithms. Further analysis, such as elemental compositional analysis, is used to validate the results from the imaging workflow. We present a case study from the Permian Basin, where a new child well was used as a test case to prove this technology at the Hydraulic Fracturing Test Site (HFTS-2) in Delaware Basin. We introduce new proppant parameters that help identify sustained proppant zones vs. localized propped fractures. We have used additional diagnostics and data collected at the test site to validate observations from the proppant log and have successfully interpreted significantly propped vs. unpropped zones. A key finding from this test has been the significant proppant transport distances observed away from parent wells. Observable proppant was found at a lateral distance of approximately 425 m for one set of parent wells and more than 915 m for another set of parent wells. While a major limitation of this technique is the sampling rate, given adequate sampling, the proposed technology represents a systematic and one-of-a-kind interpretation of spatial proppant distribution while drilling infill wells. It provides us with unique opportunities to better understand the current state of the reservoir being targeted, including zones that are likely highly drained relative to others, and how the planned hydraulic fracturing of child wells can be improved.
- Research Organization:
- Gas Technology Institute, Des Plaines, IL (United States)
- Sponsoring Organization:
- USDOE Office of Fossil Energy (FE)
- DOE Contract Number:
- FE0031577
- 1981309
- Journal Information:
- SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering, Vol. 25, Issue 03; ISSN 1094-6470
- Publisher:
- Society of Petroleum Engineers
- Country of Publication:
- United States
- Language:
- English
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