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Numerical investigation of the effect of ultrasound on paper drying

Journal Article · · TAPPI Journal
DOI:· OSTI ID:1981063

The paper drying process is very energy inefficient. More than two-thirds of the total energy used in a paper machine is for drying paper. Novel drying technologies, such as ultrasound (US) drying, can be assessed numerically for developing next-generation drying technologies for the paper industry.This work numerically illustrates the impact on drying process energy efficiency of US transducers installed on a two-tiered dryer section of a paper machine. Piezoelectric transducers generate ultrasound waves, and liquid water mist can be ejected from the porous media. The drying rate of handsheet paper in the presence of direct-contact USis measured experimentally, and the resultant correlation is included in the theoretical model.The drying section of a paper machine is simulated by a theoretical drying model. In the model, three scenarios are considered. In the first scenario, the US modules are positioned in the dryer pockets, while in the second scenario, they are placed upstream of the drying section right after the press section. The third case is the combination ofthe first and second scenarios. The average moisture content and temperature during drying, enhancement of total mass flux leaving the paper by the US mechanism, total energy consumption, and thermal effect of heated US transducers are analyzed for all cases. Results show that the application of the US can decrease the total number of dryer drums for drying paper. This numerical study is based on the US correlation obtained with the US transducer in direct contact with the paper sample. Thus, future work should include US correlation based on a non-contact US transducer.

Research Organization:
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, MA (United States)
Sponsoring Organization:
USDOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE)
DOE Contract Number:
Journal Information:
TAPPI Journal, Vol. 21, Issue 3; ISSN 0734-1415
Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry
Country of Publication:
United States

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