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Optimizing the fuel efficiency of an opposed piston engine for electric power generation

Journal Article · · International Journal of Engine Research

This paper investigates the optimal crankshaft motion for an opposed piston (OP) engine in a novel hybrid architecture to maximize fuel efficiency. The OP engine was selected for this work due to its inherent thermodynamic benefits and the balanced nature of the engine which can achieve downsizing through reducing the number of cylinders rather than the individual cylinder volume. The typical geartrain required on an OP engine was exchanged for two electric motors, reducing friction loss and decoupling the crankshafts. Using the motors to control the crankshaft motion profiles, this architecture introduces capabilities to dynamically vary compression ratio, combustion volume, and scavenging dynamics. To leverage these opportunities, an optimization scheme was developed utilizing nonlinear optimization of a 0-D model to compute the crankshaft motion profile that maximizes the work generated by the system. This optimization was then iteratively coupled with a high fidelity model which supplies the cylinder flow boundary conditions. This iterative approach reduces the model complexity used in the optimal control problem (OCP) while capturing the gas exchange dynamics critical to the 2-stroke cycle of the OP engine. By using the rate of change of motor torque as the input to the OCP, the torque fluctuation in a single cycle can be limited to ensure tracking feasibility. The results show crankshaft velocity slows during the compression stroke and conversely accelerates during the expansion stroke, reducing the peak motor torque required for control and thus reducing the motor losses. The extended residence time at top dead center, however, leads to an increase in heat transfer, illustrating the trade-off between the work extraction efficiency and the indicated engine efficiency.

Research Organization:
Archates Power, Inc., San Diego, CA (United States)
Sponsoring Organization:
USDOE Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy (ARPA-E)
DOE Contract Number:
Journal Information:
International Journal of Engine Research, Vol. 24, Issue 6; ISSN 1468-0874
Country of Publication:
United States

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