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A novel post-processing method for progressive failure analysis of brittle composite compression

Journal Article · · Journal of Composite Materials

Finite element analysis of brittle materials in axial compression typically uses element deletion to allow continued global deformation post-element-failure. However, element deletion produces cyclic load-displacement curves that underestimate energy absorption and are not representative of a continuum system. Two key observations support the conclusion that results from an appropriately discretized model can be an adequate representation of a continuum system. Specifically, the frequency of the oscillations in the load-displacement curve is directly dependent upon element length in the loading direction, and the peak amplitudes of oscillations are mesh size independent. A method of post-processing the analysis results, by connecting the peak amplitudes of oscillations, is proposed and applied to a series of continuous carbon fiber composite crush tubes. The load-displacement curve, stable crushing load, and specific energy absorption of the post-processed results compare well to an experimental study of crush tubes with similar layups.

Research Organization:
Collaborative Composite Solutions Corporation, Knoxville, TN (United States)
Sponsoring Organization:
USDOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE)
DOE Contract Number:
Journal Information:
Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 56, Issue 19; ISSN 0021-9983
Country of Publication:
United States

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