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Toward full simulations for a liquid metal blanket: part 2. Computations of MHD flows with volumetric heating for a PbLi blanket prototype at Ha ~10 4 and Gr ~10 12

Journal Article · · Nuclear Fusion

On the pathway toward full simulations for a liquid metal (LM) blanket, this part 2 extends a previous study of purely magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flows in a DCLL blanket in reference Chenet al(2020Nucl. Fusion60076003) to more general conditions when the MHD flow is coupled with heat transfer. The simulated prototypic blanket module includes all components of a real LM blanket system, such as supply ducts, inlet and outlet manifolds, multiple poloidal ducts and a U-turn zone. Volumetric heating generated by fusion neutrons is added to simulate thermal effects in the flowing lead–lithium (PbLi) breeder. The MHD flow equations and the energy equation are solved with a DNS-type finite-volume code ‘MHD-UCAS’ on a very fine mesh of 470 × 106cells. The applied magnetic field is 5 T (Hartmann number Ha ~ 104), the PbLi velocity in the poloidal ducts is 10 cm s–1(Reynolds number Re ~105), whereas the maximum volumetric heating is 30 MW m–3(Grashof number Gr ~ 1012). Four cases have been simulated, including forced- and mixed-convection flows, and either an electrically conducting or insulating blanket structure. Various comparisons are made between the four computed cases and also against the purely MHD flows computed earlier in reference Chenet al(2020Nucl. Fusion60076003) with regards to the (1) MHD pressure drop, (2) flow balancing, (3) temperature field, (4) flows in particular blanket components, and (5) 3D and turbulent flow effects. The strongest buoyancy effects were found in the poloidal ducts. In the electrically non-conducting blanket, the buoyancy forces lead to significant modifications of the flow structure, such as formation of reverse flows, whereas their effect on the MHD pressure drop is relatively small. In the electrically conducting blanket case, the buoyancy effects on the flow and MHD pressure drop are almost negligible.

Research Organization:
Univ. of California, Los Angeles, CA (United States)
Sponsoring Organization:
USDOE Office of Science (SC)
DOE Contract Number:
Journal Information:
Nuclear Fusion, Vol. 62, Issue 2; ISSN 0029-5515
IOP Science
Country of Publication:
United States

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