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Chain Stiffness of Donor–Acceptor Conjugated Polymers in Solution

Journal Article · · Macromolecules
 [1];  [2];  [3]
  1. Department of Chemical Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California 93106, United States; Materials Research Laboratory, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California 93106, United States
  2. Department of Chemical Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California 93106, United States; Materials Research Laboratory, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California 93106, United States; Mitsubishi Chemical Center for Advanced Materials, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California 93106, United States
  3. Department of Chemical Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California 93106, United States; Materials Research Laboratory, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California 93106, United States; Mitsubishi Chemical Center for Advanced Materials, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California 93106, United States; Materials Department, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California 93106, United States

Not provided.

Research Organization:
Univ. of California, Santa Barbara, CA (United States)
Sponsoring Organization:
USDOE Office of Science (SC)
DOE Contract Number:
Journal Information:
Macromolecules, Vol. 55, Issue 2; ISSN 0024-9297
American Chemical Society
Country of Publication:
United States

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