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Second and Outer Coordination Sphere Effects in Nitrogenase, Hydrogenase, Formate Dehydrogenase, and CO Dehydrogenase

Journal Article · · Chemical Reviews
 [1];  [2];  [3];  [3];  [2];  [4];  [5];  [5];  [6];  [7]
  1. Freie Universität Berlin, Experimental Molecular Biophysics, Berlin 14195, Germany
  2. University of Potsdam, Molecular Enzymology, Potsdam 14476, Germany
  3. Laboratoire de Bioénergétique et Ingénierie des Protéines, Institut de Microbiologie de la Méditerranée, Institut Microbiologie, Bioénergies et Biotechnologie, CNRS, Aix Marseille Université, Marseille 13402, France
  4. Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Division of Materials Science, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Nara 630-0192, Japan
  5. Department of Molecular Biology & Biochemistry, University of California, Irvine, California 92697-3900, United States
  6. Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Division of Materials Science, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Nara 630-0192, Japan; Hokkaido University, Institute of Low Temperature Science, Sapporo 060-0819, Japan; Graduate School of Science, University of Hyogo, Hyogo 678-1297, Japan
  7. Department of Molecular Biology & Biochemistry, University of California, Irvine, California 92697-3900, United States; Department of Chemistry, University of California, Irvine, California 92697-2025, United States

Not provided.

Research Organization:
Univ. of California, Irvine, CA (United States)
Sponsoring Organization:
USDOE Office of Science (SC)
DOE Contract Number:
SC0014470; SC0016510
Journal Information:
Chemical Reviews, Vol. 122, Issue 14; ISSN 0009-2665
American Chemical Society
Country of Publication:
United States

References (697)

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“Two-Step” Chronoamperometric Method for Studying the Anaerobic Inactivation of an Oxygen Tolerant NiFe Hydrogenase
  • Fourmond, Vincent; Infossi, Pascale; Giudici-Orticoni, Marie-Thérèse
  • Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol. 132, Issue 13
journal March 2010
Valine-to-Cysteine Mutation Further Increases the Oxygen Tolerance of Escherichia coli NiFe Hydrogenase Hyd-1 journal March 2019
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