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Environmental degradation of structural materials in liquid lead- and lead-bismuth eutectic-cooled reactors

Journal Article · · Progress in Materials Science

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Research Organization:
Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA (United States)
Sponsoring Organization:
USDOE Office of Nuclear Energy (NE)
DOE Contract Number:
Journal Information:
Progress in Materials Science, Vol. 126, Issue C; ISSN 0079-6425
Country of Publication:
United States

References (561)

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Influence of stress concentrators on the temperature dependence of the liquid metal embrittlement of Armco iron journal January 1994
Experimental Studies on the Use of Liquid Lead in a Molten Salt Nuclear Reactor journal November 1983
Improving the performance of steels in liquid low-melting metals by thermo-mechanical treatment journal January 1966
Effect of oxide films on the corrosion-fatigue strength of 1Cr18Ni9Ti steel in liquid Pb-Bi eutectic journal January 1972
Estimate of the protective properties of coatings of structural metals in Pb - Bi eutectic journal January 1974
Influence of a lead melt on plastic deformation of high-alloyed heat-resistant steels journal January 1995
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Concerning liquid metal embrittlement, particularly of zinc monocrystals by mercury journal May 1963
Liquid-metal embrittlement in an Al 6%Zn3%Mg alloy journal February 1981
Environmentally assisted cracking: Overview of evidence for an adsorption-induced localised-slip process journal October 1988
Metallographic contributions to understanding mechanisms of environmentally assisted cracking journal September 1989
The role of plastic deformation in liquid metal embrittlement journal July 1971
Dissolution Condensation Mechanism of Stress Corrosion Cracking in Liquid Metals: Driving Force and Crack Kinetics journal December 2010
A phenomenological model of embrittlement of metals under conditions of the adsorption action of liquid metal media journal January 1983
Role de l'adsorption dans la mouillabilite du fer solide par le plomb et ses alliages journal April 1982
Spreading of liquid lead droplets on metallic iron covered by silicon oxide particles or films journal November 2008
The surface and grain boundary energies of iron, cobalt and nickel journal April 1975
Microstucture evolution and interfacial properties in the Fe–Pb system journal July 2002
Effect of material properties on liquid metal embrittlement in the Al–Ga system journal March 2009
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Ga Penetration along Al Grain Boundaries under a Constant Strain Rate Condition journal January 2014
The emission of dislocations from crack tips journal September 2003
Dislocation nucleation from a crack tip: An analysis based on the Peierls concept journal January 1992
New theory for Mode I crack-tip dislocation emission journal September 2017
Localization of electromagnetic field on the “Brouwer-island” and liquid metal embrittlement journal March 2015
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Ga Penetration along Grain Boundaries in Al: A Dislocation Climb Mechanism journal July 2007
Preferential penetration path of gallium into grain boundary in practical aluminium alloy journal October 2006
The kinetics of gallium penetration into aluminum grain boundaries—in situ TEM observations and atomistic models journal May 2000
Penetration of liquid gallium into the grain boundaries of aluminium: a synchrotron radiation microtomographic investigation journal April 2000
Discontinuous penetration of liquid Ga into grain boundaries of Al polycrystals journal January 2004
Direct Evidence of Nanometric Invasionlike Grain Boundary Penetration in the Al / Ga System journal November 2005
In situ investigation of liquid Ga penetration in Al bicrystal grain boundaries: grain boundary wetting or liquid metal embrittlement? journal January 2005
In situ investigation of Al bicrystal embrittlement by liquid Ga using synchrotron imaging journal September 2006
A Short Review of High-Temperature Wetting and Complexion Transitions with a Critical Assessment of Their Influence on Liquid Metal Embrittlement and Corrosion journal July 2016
Atomistic simulation of the effect of Ga on crack tip opening in Al bicrystals journal September 2008
Pathway to understand liquid metal embrittlement (LME) in Fe-Zn couple: From fundamentals toward application journal August 2021
Microstructure of liquid metal embrittlement cracks on Zn-coated 22MnB5 press-hardened steel journal November 2014
Zinc contamination cracking in stainless steel after welding journal April 2014
Micro-crack in zinc coating layer on boron steel sheet in hot deep drawing process journal May 2015
Liquid metal embrittlement-free welds of Zn-coated twinning induced plasticity steels journal March 2016
Supercritical area and critical nugget diameter for liquid metal embrittlement of Zn-coated twining induced plasticity steels journal December 2015
On the influence of cold deformation on liquid metal embrittlement of a steel in a liquid zinc bath journal July 2015
Liquid metal induced embrittlement of a nitrided clutch shell of a motorbike journal March 2016
Liquid Zn assisted embrittlement of advanced high strength steels with different microstructures journal February 2016
Zn Penetration in Liquid Metal Embrittled TWIP Steel journal April 2016
Liquid Metal Embrittlement of Hot Stamped Galvannealed Boron Steel Sheet – Effect of Heating Time on Crack Formation – journal January 2017
Susceptibility of electrolytically galvanized dual-phase steel sheets to liquid metal embrittlement during resistance spot welding journal July 2018
Heating rate effect on liquid Zn-assisted embrittlement of high Mn austenitic steel journal August 2018
Characterization of Liquid Metal Embrittlement for the Hot Stamped Galvannealed Boron Steel Sheets journal January 2018
Liquid metal embrittlement in laser beam welding of Zn-coated 22MnB5 steel journal October 2018
Liquid metal embrittlement in laser lap joining of TWIP and medium-manganese TRIP steel: The role of stress and grain boundaries journal November 2018
Microstructural evolution of liquid metal embrittlement in resistance-spot-welded galvanized TWinning-Induced Plasticity (TWIP) steel sheets journal January 2019
Fe-Zn reaction and its influence on microcracks during hot tensile deformation of galvanized 22MnB5 steel journal January 2019
Occurrence of liquid-metal-embrittlement in a fully ferritic microstructure journal March 2021
Influence of the starting microstructure of an advanced high strength steel on the characteristics of Zn-Assisted liquid metal embrittlement journal February 2021
Crystallographic study of liquid-metal-embrittlement crack path journal May 2020
Atomic-scale Investigation of Liquid-Metal-Embrittlement Crack-path: Revealing Mechanism and Role of Grain Boundary Chemistry journal February 2021
Suppression of liquid-metal-embrittlement by twin-induced grain boundary engineering approach journal June 2020
A first principles investigation of zinc induced embrittlement at grain boundaries in bcc iron journal May 2015
The influence of alloying on Zn liquid metal embrittlement in steels journal August 2020
First-principles study of intergranular embrittlement induced by Te in the Ni Σ 5 grain boundary journal June 2014
Identification of a bilayer grain boundary complexion in Bi-doped Cu journal January 2013
The Role of a Bilayer Interfacial Phase on Liquid Metal Embrittlement journal September 2011
Intergranular penetration and embrittlement of solid nickel through bismuth vapour condensation at 700°C journal July 2001
Bismuth-induced embrittlement of copper grain boundaries journal August 2004
Origin of the Bismuth-Induced Decohesion of Nickel and Copper Grain Boundaries journal July 2013
Insight into gallium behavior in aluminum grain boundaries from calculation on Σ=11 (113) boundary journal September 2000
Insight into the atomic-scale mechanism of liquid metal embrittlement journal September 2006
The effect of stress on grain boundary interdiffusion in a semi-infinite bicrystal journal August 2007
Bismuth embrittlement of copper is an atomic size effect journal December 2004
Segregation-induced ordered superstructures at general grain boundaries in a nickel-bismuth alloy journal October 2017
Effect of heat treatment on liquid sodium embrittlement of T91 martensitic steel journal December 2011
Effect of oxygen on liquid sodium embrittlement of T91 martensitic steel journal November 2013
Comparative study of the behavior of different highly alloyed steels in liquid sodium journal August 2017
Liquid metal embrittlement of an austenitic stainless steel in liquid sodium journal June 2014
Multiscale investigation of crack path and microstructural changes during liquid metal embrittlement of 304L austenitic steel in liquid sodium journal October 2017
Wetting by liquid sodium and fracture path analysis of sodium induced embrittlement of 304L stainless steel journal November 2017
Investigation of crack propagation resistance of 304L, 316L and 316L(N) austenitic steels in liquid sodium journal August 2018
Effect of contact conditions on embrittlement of T91 steel by lead–bismuth journal November 2004
Liquid metal embrittlement susceptibility of T91 steel by lead?bismuth journal June 2005
Slow strain rate tensile tests on T91 in static lead–bismuth eutectic journal September 2006
Behavior of the Steel T91 under Multi Axial Loading in Contact with Liquid and Solid Pb journal September 2017
Influence of oxide scale on the wettability of LBE on T91 steel journal December 2017
Surface tension and wetting behaviour of molten Bi–Pb alloys journal January 2003
Grain boundary complexions and pseudopartial wetting journal October 2016
Surface and grain boundary wetting of Fe based solids by molten Pb and Pb-Bi eutectic journal May 2005
Experimental investigations and thermodynamic description of the PbO–Fe2O3 system journal October 2010
Embrittlement of the martensitic steel 91 tested in liquid lead journal July 2001
Liquid Pb–Bi embrittlement effects on the T91 steel after different heat treatments journal June 2008
ToF-SIMS analyses of brittle crack initiation of T91 steel by liquid sodium journal May 2014
Bending tests on T91 steel in Pb–Bi eutectic, Bi and Pb–Li eutectic journal November 2004
Synergy effect of LBE and hydrogenated helium on resistance to LME of T91 steel grade journal May 2003
Tensile tests on MANET II steel in circulating Pb–Bi eutectic journal May 2003
Mechanical properties of martensitic steels after exposure to flowing liquid metals journal November 2004
Behaviour of the steel T91 under uniaxial and multiaxial slow loading in contact with liquid lead journal November 2015
Role of oxidation on LME of T91 steel studied by small punch test journal June 2008
Fracture toughness assessment of ferritic–martensitic steel in liquid lead–bismuth eutectic journal March 2009
Investigating liquid-metal embrittlement of T91 steel by fracture toughness tests journal April 2016
Characteristics and Liquid Metal Embrittlement of the steel T91 in contact with Lead–Bismuth Eutectic journal April 2016
Liquid metal embrittlement of T91 and 316L steels by heavy liquid metals: A fracture mechanics assessment journal June 2008
Fracture mechanics behavior of the T91 martensitic steel in contact with liquid lead–bismuth eutectic for application in an accelerator driven system journal August 2011
Investigation of LBE embrittlement effects on the fracture properties of T91 journal June 2008
Tensile fracture behavior of notched 9Cr-1Mo ferritic-martensitic steel specimens in contact with liquid lead-bismuth eutectic at 350 °C journal April 2017
Evaluation of liquid metal embrittlement susceptibility of oxide dispersion strengthened steel MA956 journal October 2014
Behaviour of pre-stressed T91 and ODS steels exposed to liquid lead-bismuth eutectic journal February 2018
Influence of PbBi environment on the low-cycle fatigue behavior of SNS target container materials journal May 2003
Susceptibility to LME of 316L and T91 steels by LBE: Effect of strain rate journal June 2008
Investigation of the effect of lead–bismuth eutectic on the fracture properties of T91 and 316L journal March 2010
Study of Crack Initiation of 15-15Ti Austenitic Steel in Liquid PbBi journal April 2019
Effect of Lead and Lead–Bismuth Eutectic Melts on the Fatigue Life of Steels of the Martensitic and Austenitic Classes journal July 2014
Fatigue Behaviour of a Martensitic and an Austenitic Steel in Heavy Liquid Metals journal January 2013
Creep failure of a solution-annealed 15-15Ti steel exposed to stagnant lead-bismuth eutectic at 550 and 600 °C journal November 2020
Liquid-Metal Embrittlement of Type 316L Stainless Steel by Gallium as Measured by Elastic-Plastic Fracture Mechanics journal March 2004
Quantification of fatigue crack propagation of an austenitic stainless steel in mercury embrittlement journal December 2012
The effect of mercury on the fatigue behavior of 316 LN stainless steel journal July 2001
Fatigue properties of type 316LN stainless steel in air and mercury journal August 2005
Influence of mercury environment on the fatigue behavior of spallation neutron source (SNS) target container materials journal September 2001
Optimization of contact conditions between iron base alloys and mercury at room temperature journal March 2008
Liquid metal embrittlement of an austenitic 316L type and a ferritic–martensitic T91 type steel by mercury journal June 2008
Corrosion-Mechanical Behavior of T91 and 14-19Cr ODS Steels Exposed to Flowing Lead-Bismuth journal December 2016
Oxidation and tensile behavior of ferritic/martensitic steels after exposure to lead-bismuth eutectic journal July 2016
Liquid metal embrittlement susceptibility of ferritic–martensitic steel in liquid lead alloys journal June 2008
Effects of temperature and strain rate on the mechanical properties of T91 material tested in liquid lead bismuth eutectic journal September 2006
Comparison of the mechanical properties of T91 steel from the MEGAPIE, and TWIN-ASTIR irradiation programs journal January 2016
Investigation of liquid LBE embrittlement effects on irradiated ferritic/martensitic steels by slow-strain-rate tensile tests journal December 2012
TWIN ASTIR: First tensile results of T91 and 316L steel after neutron irradiation in contact with liquid lead–bismuth eutectic journal March 2010
Investigation of the sensitivity to EAC of steel T91 in contact with liquid LBE journal June 2008
Temperature dependence of liquid metal embrittlement susceptibility of a modified 9Cr–1Mo steel under low cycle fatigue in lead–bismuth eutectic at 160–450 °C journal January 2016
Effects of temperature and strain rate on the tensile behaviors of SIMP steel in static lead bismuth eutectic journal May 2016
Low cycle fatigue behavior of a modified 9Cr–1Mo ferritic–martensitic steel in lead–bismuth eutectic at 350°C – Effects of oxygen concentration in the liquid metal and strain rate journal May 2015
Initiation of LME crack in ferritic martensitic steel in liquid lead-bismuth journal December 2018
Liquid metal embrittlement of the T91 steel in lead bismuth eutectic: The role of loading rate and of the oxygen content in the liquid metal journal July 2014
LIMETS 3, a novel system for high strain fatigue testing in lead–bismuth eutectic journal July 2014
Liquid metal embrittlement of T91 martensitic steel evidenced by small punch test journal April 2007
Mechanical properties of the steel T91 in contact with lead journal March 2015
Effect of liquid metal embrittlement on low cycle fatigue properties and fatigue crack propagation behavior of a modified 9Cr–1Mo ferritic–martensitic steel in an oxygen-controlled lead–bismuth eutectic environment at 350 °C journal November 2014
Low cycle fatigue behaviour of T91 martensitic steel at 300°Cin air and in liquid lead bismuth eutectic journal August 2006
Mechanical and fatigue properties of martensitic Fe-13Cr steel in contact with lead and lead-bismuth melts journal January 2014
Creep-to-rupture of 12Cr- and 14Cr-ODS steels in oxygen-controlled lead and air at 650°C journal July 2014
Creep-to-rupture of 9%Cr steel T91 in air and oxygen-controlled lead at 650°C journal December 2011
Creep, creep-rupture tests of Al-surface-alloyed T91 steel in liquid lead bismuth at 500 and 550°C journal December 2012
Creep-to-rupture of the steel P92 at 650°C in oxygen-controlled stagnant lead in comparison to air journal January 2013
Creep-to-rupture tests of T91 steel in flowing Pb–Bi eutectic melt at 550°C journal October 2009
Creep-rupture tests on chromium-containing conventional and ODS steels in oxygen-controlled Pb and air at 650 °C journal December 2014
Steel T91 subjected to static stress in lead-bismuth eutectic at 450–550 °C and low oxygen concentration journal December 2018
Creep behaviour of 15-15Ti(Si) austenitic steel in air and in liquid lead at 550°C journal January 2017
Liquid metal embrittlement of the martensitic steel 91: influence of the chemical composition of the liquid metal. journal February 2002
On the kinetics of LME for the ferritic–martensitic steel T91 immersed in liquid PbBi eutectic journal June 2011
Compatibility of martensitic/austenitic steel welds with liquid lead bismuth eutectic environment journal April 2009
Compatibility of ferritic–martensitic steel T91 welds with liquid lead–bismuth eutectic: Comparison between TIG and EB welds journal January 2010
Liquid metal embrittlement of silicon enriched steel for nuclear applications journal March 2010
Effect of Applied Stress on T91 Steel Performance in Liquid Lead at 400 °C journal December 2018
Heat treatment effect of T91 martensitic steel on liquid metal embrittlement journal June 2008
Brittle fracture of T91 steel in liquid lead–bismuth eutectic alloy journal December 2014
Mechanical properties of a 316L/T91 weld joint tested in lead–bismuth liquid journal October 2009
Mechanical behaviour of the T91 martensitic steel under monotonic and cyclic loadings in liquid metals journal November 2004
Low cycle fatigue tests of surface modified T91 steel in 10−6wt% oxygen containing Pb45Bi55 at 550°C journal June 2008
Behaviour of short and long cracks in air and in liquid metal in T91 steel journal January 2018
Influence of displacement rate and temperature on the severity of liquid metal embrittlement of T91 steel in LBE journal January 2021
Liquid–metal-induced fracture mode of martensitic T91 steels journal July 2012
Experimental analysis of the dynamic strain ageing for a modified T91 martensitic steel journal February 2012
Influence of the temperature on the tensile behaviour of a modified 9Cr–1Mo T91 martensitic steel journal September 2010
The role of oxide films in preventing liquid metal embrittlement of T91 steel exposed to liquid lead-bismuth eutectic journal October 2018
Effect of preliminary diffusion oxidation on mechanical properties of ferritic steel in oxygen-containing lead journal December 2015
Stability of fatigue cracks at 350 °C in air and in liquid metal in T91 martensitic steel journal January 2020
Understanding the liquid metal assisted damage sources in the T91 martensitic steel for safer use of ADS journal September 2007
Cavity formation and accelerated plastic strain in T91 steel in contact with liquid lead journal March 2004
Effect of Ausforming Temperature on the Microstructure of G91 Steel journal June 2017
The Effects of Ausforming on Variant Selection of Martensite in Cr-Mo Steel journal January 2013
Radiation damage in nanostructured materials journal July 2018
Post-irradiation deformation in a Fe-9%Cr alloy journal July 2001
Proton irradiation for radiation-induced changes in microstructures and mechanical properties of austenitic stainless steel journal January 2019
Assessment of the lifetime of the beam window of MEGAPIE target liquid metal container journal September 2006
FeCrAlY and TiN coatings on T91 steel after irradiation with 72MeV protons in flowing LBE journal December 2012
Plastic strain localization in metals: origins and consequences journal January 2014
Cracking and exfoliation behavior of oxide scale on T91 steel under different tensile stresses in oxygen-controlled lead-bismuth eutectic at 550 °C journal May 2021
ToF-SIMS investigation of absorption of lead and bismuth in T91 steel deformed in liquid lead bismuth eutectic journal March 2019
The early stage of fatigue crack initiation in a 12%Cr martensitic steel journal January 2018
Environmentally assisted cracking of T91 ferritic-martensitic steel in heavy liquid metals journal March 2020
Measurement of Local Mechanical Properties of T91 Steel Corroded by Molten Lead-Bismuth Eutectic Alloy via Micropillar Compression Test journal January 2018
Impurity effects on the intergranular liquid bismuth penetration in polycrystalline nickel journal January 2012
Grain boundary diffusion and wetting in the analysis of intergranular penetration journal November 2008
Interface morphologies and embrittlement behavior of α-Fe in liquid lead-bismuth eutectic at elevated temperature journal January 2019
Microstructural Investigation of LME Crack Initiated in Ferritic/Martensitic Steel T91 Loaded in Liquid Lead-Bismuth Eutectic at 300 °C journal December 2018
Thermodynamic assessment of solubility and activity of iron, chromium, and nickel in lead bismuth eutectic journal June 2014
Progression markings, striations, and crack-arrest markings on fracture surfaces journal November 2007
Liquid metal embrittlement of an Fe10Cr4Al ferritic alloy exposed to oxygen-depleted and -saturated lead-bismuth eutectic at 350°C journal April 2020
Oxygen Control Technique in Molten Lead and Lead-Bismuth Eutectic Systems journal October 2006
Active control of oxygen in molten lead–bismuth eutectic systems to prevent steel corrosion and coolant contamination journal January 2002
Liquid Metal as a Heat Transport Fluid for Thermal Solar Power Applications journal January 2014
Standard molar Gibbs free energy of formation of PbO(s) over a wide temperature range from EMF measurements journal August 2003
The bi-pb (bismuth-lead) system journal February 1992
Accuracy of potentiometric oxygen sensors with Bi/Bi2O3 reference electrode for use in liquid LBE journal October 2012
Oxygen–iron interaction in liquid lead–bismuth eutectic alloy journal January 2016
Control of oxygen concentration in liquid lead and lead–bismuth journal September 2003
Investigations of a zirconia solid electrolyte oxygen sensor in liquid lead journal March 2010
Oxygen measurements in stagnant lead–bismuth eutectic using electrochemical sensors journal November 2004
Active oxygen control by a PbO mass exchanger in the liquid lead–bismuth eutectic loop: MEXICO journal July 2016
Ensuring the corrosion resistance of steels in heavy liquid metal coolants journal June 2016
Control of dissolved oxygen in liquid LBE by electrochemical oxygen pumping journal December 2014
Performance of Electrochemical Oxygen Pump in a Liquid Lead-Bismuth Eutectic Loop journal January 2019
Numerical modeling of oxygen mass transfer from PbO spheres packed bed to liquid lead bismuth eutectic: A venturi-type PbO mass exchanger journal December 2013
Corrosion behaviour of aluminized martensitic and austenitic steels in liquid Pb–Bi journal November 2004
Influence of temperature on the oxidation/corrosion process of F82Hmod. martensitic steel in lead–bismuth journal June 2002
Corrosion investigations of steels in flowing lead at 400°C and 550°C journal July 2001
Oxidation behaviour of P122 and a 9Cr–2W ODS steel at 550°C in oxygen-containing flowing lead–bismuth eutectic journal March 2010
Comparison of solid metal–metal oxide reference electrodes for potentiometric oxygen sensors in liquid lead–bismuth eutectic operating at low temperature ranges journal July 2015
Design and testing of electrochemical oxygen sensors for service in liquid lead alloys journal August 2011
Solid electrolytes for use in lead–bismuth eutectic cooled nuclear reactors journal August 2012
Performance of potentiometric oxygen sensors with LSM-GDC composite electrode in liquid LBE at low temperatures journal November 2013
A study of deformation and strain induced in bulk by the oxide layers formation on a Fe-Cr-Al alloy in high-temperature liquid Pb-Bi eutectic journal June 2018
Long term corrosion resistance of alumina forming austenitic stainless steels in liquid lead journal June 2015
Oxidation studies of Fe10CrAl–RE alloys exposed to Pb at 550°C for 10,000h journal November 2013
Corrosion behavior of Al-surface-treated steels in liquid Pb–Bi in a pot journal December 2004
Si-containing 9Cr ODS steel designed for high temperature application in lead-cooled fast reactor journal June 2019
Corrosion resistance and microstructural stability of austenitic Fe–Cr–Al–Ni model alloys exposed to oxygen-containing molten lead journal October 2019
Oxide scales formed on Fe–Cr–Al-based model alloys exposed to oxygen containing molten lead journal June 2013
Corrosion studies in support of lead-bismuth cooled FBRs journal January 2005
Al-containing ODS steels with improved corrosion resistance to liquid lead–bismuth journal September 2012
Corrosion behavior of Al-alloying high Cr-ODS steels in lead–bismuth eutectic journal April 2009
Influence of composition and microstructure on the corrosion behavior of different Fe–Cr–Al alloys in molten LBE journal February 2012
A Functionally Graded Composite for Service in High-Temperature Lead- and Lead-Bismuth–Cooled Nuclear Reactors—I: Design journal March 2012
Impedance spectroscopy and microstructural characterization of the corrosion behavior of FeCrAl alloy in lead–bismuth eutectic journal December 2012
Design of alumina forming FeCrAl steels for lead or lead–bismuth cooled fast reactors journal October 2013
Stability domain of alumina thermally grown on Fe–Cr–Al-based model alloys and modified surface layers exposed to oxygen-containing molten Pb journal March 2016
Corrosion resistance of Al-alloying high Cr–ODS steels in stagnant lead–bismuth journal March 2010
Overview of recent studies related to lead-alloy-cooled fast reactors conference January 2012
Oxide scale formation on 316L and FeCrAl steels exposed to oxygen controlled static LBE at temperatures up to 800 °C journal January 2016
Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) Study of the Oxide Layers Formed on Fe-12Cr-4Al Ferritic Alloy in an Oxygenated Pb-Bi Environment at 800°C journal June 2018
Oxidative passivation of Fe–Cr–Al steels in lead-bismuth eutectic under oxygen-controlled static conditions at 700° and 800 °C journal September 2019
The influence of Y and Nb addition on the corrosion resistance of Fe-Cr-Al-Ni model alloys exposed to oxygen-containing molten Pb journal February 2021
Corrosion behaviour of Al-added high Mn austenitic steels in molten lead bismuth eutectic with saturated and low oxygen concentrations at 450 ℃ journal October 2020
Liquid metal embrittlement susceptibility of a high-entropy alloy exposed to oxygen-depleted liquid lead-bismuth eutectic at 250 and 350 °C journal January 2020
Liquid metal embrittlement of a dual-phase Al0.7CoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy exposed to oxygen-saturated lead-bismuth eutectic journal March 2021
Impurity element effects on the toughness of 9Cr-1Mo steel journal November 1986
Effect of silicon contents on the microstructures and mechanical properties of heat affected zones for 9Cr2WVTa steels journal March 2016
Mapping of 475°C embrittlement in ferritic Fe–Cr–Al alloys journal November 2010
Corrosion studies of a low alloyed Fe–10Cr–4Al steel exposed in liquid Pb at very high temperatures journal April 2020
Radiation tolerance of neutron-irradiated model Fe–Cr–Al alloys journal October 2015
Irradiation-enhanced α′ precipitation in model FeCrAl alloys journal April 2016
A comparative study on liquid metal embrittlement susceptibility of three FeCrAl ferritic alloys in contact with liquid lead-bismuth eutectic at 350°C journal May 2021
Effect of temperature on liquid metal embrittlement susceptibility of an Fe10Cr4Al ferritic alloy in contact with stagnant lead-bismuth eutectic journal August 2020
Corrosion of steels with surface treatment and Al-alloying by GESA exposed in lead–bismuth journal May 2006
Surface modification/alloying using intense pulsed electron beam as a tool for improving the corrosion resistance of steels exposed to heavy liquid metals journal August 2011
Interaction between liquid lead-bismuth eutectic and aluminized Inconel 625 superalloy at 600 and 850 °C journal May 2019
Corrosion investigations of Al–Fe-coated steels, high Cr steels, refractory metals and ceramics in lead alloys at 700°C journal March 2010
Applicability of Al-Powder-Alloy Coating to Corrosion Barriers of 316SS in Liquid Lead-Bismuth Eutectic journal January 2011
Corrosion behavior of heat-treated Fe–Al coated steel in lead–bismuth eutectic under loading journal September 2011
Corrosion Resistance of Fe-Al-Alloy-Coated Ferritic/Martensitic Steel under Bending Stress in High-Temperature Lead-Bismuth Eutectic journal May 2011
Oxide scale formation of modified FeCrAl coatings exposed to liquid lead journal February 2012
Development of aluminum-alloy coating on type 316SS for nuclear systems using liquid lead–bismuth journal May 2012
Corrosion Behavior and Surface Treatment of Cladding Materials Used in High-Temperature Lead-Bismuth Eutectic Alloy: A Review journal March 2021
Exposure of pre-stressed T91 coated with TiN, CrN and DLC to Pb–55.5Bi journal September 2006
Corrosion resistance of ceramics SiC and Si3N4 in flowing lead-bismuth eutectic journal September 2011
Influence of LBE Temperatures on the Microstructure and Properties of Crystalline and Amorphous Multiphase Ceramic Coatings journal August 2019
Irradiation hardening in unalloyed and ODS molybdenum during low dose neutron irradiation at 300°C and 600°C journal November 2008
Corrosion, Al containing corrosion barriers and mechanical properties of steels foreseen as structural materials in liquid lead alloy cooled nuclear systems journal May 2011
Diffusional stability of ferritic–martensitic steel composite for service in advanced lead–bismuth cooled nuclear reactors journal June 2010
Corrosion and radiation resistant nanoceramic coatings for lead fast reactors journal August 2017
Corrosion resistance in Pb-Bi alloy of 15-15Ti steel coated with Al2O3/SiC bilayer thin films by magnetron sputtering journal December 2017
Al rich PVD protective coatings: A promising approach to prevent T91 steel corrosion in stagnant liquid lead journal November 2019
Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) corrosion behavior of AlTiN coatings at 550 and 600゜C journal October 2020
Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) corrosion mechanism of nano-amorphous composite TiSiN coatings synthesized by cathodic arc ion plating journal May 2021
A Review of the Surface Modifications for Corrosion Mitigation of Steels in Lead and LBE journal January 2021
Mechanical behavior of coated T91 steel in contact with lead–bismuth liquid alloy at 300°C journal June 2011
Advanced Al2O3 coatings for high temperature operation of steels in heavy liquid metals: a preliminary study journal December 2013
Effect of alumina coatings on corrosion protection of steels in molten lead
  • Vassallo, Espedito; Pedroni, Matteo; Spampinato, Valentina
  • Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, Nanotechnology and Microelectronics: Materials, Processing, Measurement, and Phenomena, Vol. 36, Issue 1
journal January 2018
Compatibility of Zr2AlC MAX phase-based ceramics with oxygen-poor, static liquid lead–bismuth eutectic journal July 2020
Effects of pre-formed nanostructured surface layer on oxidation behaviour of 9Cr2WVTa steel in air and liquid Pb–Bi eutectic alloy journal January 2016
Enhanced oxidation resistance of a reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel in liquid Pb-Bi eutectic alloy by preforming a gradient nanostructured surface layer journal August 2018
Effect of Nanostructured Surface on the Corrosion Behavior of RAFM Steels journal January 2019
Alloy effects in nanostructures journal January 1993