Jefferson Lab 12 GeV Program
- Jefferson Lab, Newport News, VA, U.S.A.;Physics Department, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA, U.S.A.
The continuous electron beam accelerator facility at Jefferson Lab, built with advanced superconducting radiofrequency (SRF) technology, provides opportunities to discover fundamental new aspects of visible matter - protons, neutrons and other states, and of strong interaction, described by the gauge theory Quantum Chromodynamics. The recent upgrade of the facility brings new opportunities, not only in the study of hadronic matter, but also in searches for new physics, such as a suite of experiments to search for massice "dark photons." We provide an overview of Jefferson Lab's 12 GeV era science program and the outlook for a future Electron Ion Collider.
- Research Organization:
- Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (TJNAF), Newport News, VA (United States)
- Sponsoring Organization:
- USDOE Office of Science (SC), Nuclear Physics (NP)
- DOE Contract Number:
- AC05-06OR23177
- 1975844
- Report Number(s):
- JLAB-PHY-18-2641; DOE/OR/23177-4658
- Resource Relation:
- Conference: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics (QNP2018), Tsukuba, Japan, November 13, 2018
- Country of Publication:
- United States
- Language:
- English
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