xLi2MnO3 (1-x)LiMeO2 and Li4Ti5O12 Cell Chemistry for Behind-the-Meter Storage Applications
Li- and Mn-rich layered oxide material (xLi2MnO3 (1-x)LiMeO2, Me = Ni, Mn, and etc., LMR-NM) is paired with Li4Ti5O12 (LTO) in a full cell and evaluated for the Behind-the-Meter Storage (BTMS) applications. The LMR-NM/LTO full cell shows very high capacities and excellent long-term cycle life. It delivers 192 mAh g-1 after 500 cycles at C/2 and 45 degrees C with a capacity retention of 75% and coulombic efficiency higher than 99.95%. It also has impressive rate capabilities. A capacity of 220 mAh g-1 is achieved at 2C which is 88 % of the initial capacity at C/10. The high cycling temperature clearly enhances electrochemical kinetics and activates more Li2MnO3 component, which gives high capacities, low cell impedance, and better rate capabilities. Moreover, it helps to form a relatively thick cathode-electrolyte interphase (CEI) film to suppress transition metal dissolution from the cathode surface. The upper cut-off voltage (UCV) of 3.0 V keeps the structural integrity of the cathode during cycling. A higher UCV of 3.2 V accelerates structural instabilities of the cathode as well as growth of the solid-electrolyte interphase (SEI) via transition metal dissolution and deposition on the anode surface. It results in higher cell impedance, worse capacity retention and faster capacity fade.
- Research Organization:
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO (United States)
- Sponsoring Organization:
- USDOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), Transportation Office. Vehicle Technologies Office, Behind-the-Meter Storage (BTMS) Consortium
- DOE Contract Number:
- AC36-08GO28308
- 1971885
- Report Number(s):
- NREL/JA-5K00-84140; MainId:84913; UUID:c9434491-fd0c-41b1-a40c-3576bde3893b; MainAdminID:69351
- Journal Information:
- Journal of Energy Storage, Vol. 64
- Country of Publication:
- United States
- Language:
- English
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