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Investigation of Biomass Fouling on Screw Feeder in Preconversion of Pyrolysis

Journal Article · · ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering

Biomass is a source of renewable energy and can undergo thermochemical processes to be converted into gaseous and liquid fuels. Thermal decomposition-induced biomass fouling on the screw feeder is a major challenge in preconversion of pyrolysis, leading to plugging of the feed line. This work intends to gain fundamental understanding of the biomass fouling phenomena across the heat gradient on the screw feeder via a combination of materials characterization and thermal simulation. An actual screw feeder that failed because of biomass fouling was examined to reveal the deposit's morphology, composition, and mechanical properties. Thermal simulations were developed for both the screw feeder and the wood particles being transported using a combined analytical and numerical approach. The simulated temperature profiles correlated well with the deposit observations, based on which potential mitigations were proposed from both the operation and screw design perspectives and supported by preliminary experimental validation.

Research Organization:
National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States)
Sponsoring Organization:
USDOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), Transportation Office. Bioenergy Technologies Office
DOE Contract Number:
Report Number(s):
NREL/JA-5100-85885; MainId:86658; UUID:d911688c-0f70-41d5-99f7-d8654ef68ace; MainAdminID:69254
Journal Information:
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, Vol. 11, Issue 13
Country of Publication:
United States

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Investigation of Biomass Fouling on Screw Feeder in Preconversion of Pyrolysis
Journal Article · 2023 · ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering · OSTI ID:1994723