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U.S. Department of Energy
Office of Scientific and Technical Information

Advanced Photon Acceleration Schemes for Tunable XUV/Soft X-Ray Sources

Technical Report ·
DOI:· OSTI ID:1842317

We report on the advances made under the purview of DOE award number DE-SC0019135 that was active during the period: 09/01/2018–08/31/2021. The grant investigated the application of a “flying focus” to the problem of photon acceleration—in which a dynamic refractive index gradient is used to continuously upshift a probe beam’s frequency. Codes were written to describe the creation of ionization waves of arbitrary velocity (IWAVs) for use as a photon-accelerating medium, as well as the behavior of a witness pulse residing in said medium. Experiments first verified the spatiotemporal control over laser intensity provided by a chromatic flying focus, then used that ability to produce small-diameter IWAVs in the far-field with the expected dynamics, and finally demonstrated even further flexibility by producing large-diameter IWAVs in the laser quasi-far-field that maintained the beneficial dynamics. Multiple innovative diagnostics—spectrally resolved Schlieren and spectrally resolved interferometry—were pioneered in order to diagnose the IWAVs. For IWAV production in the laboratory, however, beam quality was identified as a key limitation in the quasi-far-field. Since the original chromatic flying focus was found to result in relatively long (ps duration) intensity peaks, which could limit some applications including photon acceleration, additional techniques were invented to provide similar spatiotemporal control while also retaining ultrashort intensity peaks. While simulations have identified several interesting regimes for photon acceleration—first predicting the upshift of a counterpropagating witness pulse from the optical to the extreme ultraviolet in less than 1 cm, and later obtaining similar shifts in less than 100 μm in a simpler self-seeded configuration—experimental demonstration is left for future work.

Research Organization:
Univ. of Rochester, NY (United States)
Sponsoring Organization:
USDOE Office of Science (SC), Fusion Energy Sciences (FES)
DOE Contract Number:
Report Number(s):
DOE-URLLE-19135; TRN: US2403079
Country of Publication:
United States

References (12)

Advanced laser development and plasma-physics studies on the multiterawatt laser journal January 2021
Photon Acceleration in a Flying Focus journal September 2019
Optical shock-enhanced self-photon acceleration journal October 2021
Ionization waves of arbitrary velocity driven by a flying focus journal March 2018
Flying focus and its application to plasma-based laser amplifiers journal November 2018
Spatiotemporal control of laser intensity journal March 2018
Ionization Waves of Arbitrary Velocity journal May 2018
Measurement and control of large diameter ionization waves of arbitrary velocity journal January 2019
Dephasingless Laser Wakefield Acceleration journal March 2020
Nonlinear spatiotemporal control of laser intensity journal January 2020
Flying focus: Spatial and temporal control of intensity for laser-based applications journal March 2019
Raman Amplification with a Flying Focus journal January 2018