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Mechanism and kinetics of light alkane dehydrogenation and cracking over isolated Ga species in Ga/H-MFI

Journal Article · · ACS Catalysis

The objective of this study is to examine the mechanisms and kinetics of C2H6 dehydrogenation and n-C4H10 dehydrogenation and cracking over isolated Ga species in Ga/HMFI and to compare these results to those reported previously for C3H8 dehydrogenation and cracking. C2H6 dehydrogenation is found to be catalyzed by both [GaH]2+ and [GaH2]+ cations at similar turnover frequencies. Rate measurements over Ga/H-MFI containing predominantly [GaH2]+ cations reveal that C2H6 dehydrogenation rates exhibit a Langmuir.Hinshelwood dependence on C2H6 partial pressure at elevated temperatures (>730 K), consistent with the involvement of chemisorbed [C2H5.GaH]+ species. The reaction kinetics suggest that C2H6 dehydrogenation proceeds via heterolytic C-H cleavage of adsorbed C2H6 by [GaH2]+ cations to form H2 and [C2H5-GaH]+ species, which further decompose via β-hydride elimination to form C2H4. By contrast, C4H10 dehydrogenation and both terminal and central cracking are catalyzed exclusively by [GaH]2+ cations. All three reactions exhibit a Langmuir-Hinshelwood dependence on C4H10 partial pressure and are inhibited by H2. Ratios of dehydrogenation to cracking (total) and terminal to central cracking are approximately independent of C4H10 partial pressure consistent with the involvement of a common C4H10-derived surface intermediate. The observed reaction kinetics are consistent with an alkyl-mediated mechanism occurring over [GaH]2+, analogous to that reported previously for C3H8 dehydrogenation/cracking over Ga/H-MFI (Phadke, N. M.; et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 1614-1627). The mechanism proceeds via facile, heterolytic dissociation of adsorbed C4H10 to form [C4H9-GaH]+-H+ cation pairs via methyl C-H-activated pathways. Dehydrogenation then proceeds via β-hydride elimination, respectively, forming butene, while terminal and central cracking proceed via C-H-activated H+ attack. Methylene activation was also considered but found to occur at a significantly lower rate. Theoretical analysis of the proposed reaction pathways leads to apparent activation enthalpies in good agreement with values extracted from the measured kinetics, thereby supporting the proposed pathways and the roles of [GaH]2+ and [GaH2]+ cations in the dehydrogenation and cracking of light alkanes on Ga/H-MFI.

Research Organization:
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States)
Sponsoring Organization:
USDOE Office of Science (SC), Basic Energy Sciences (BES)
DOE Contract Number:
Journal Information:
ACS Catalysis, Vol. 11, Issue 4
Country of Publication:
United States

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